¿Qué gano siendo miembro?

Liberarte de estrés ansiedad y emociones que arruinan tu felicidad. Equilibrar tu ser y estar presente haciendo una creación que te hace enteramente feliz. A través de sesiones en vivo, prácticas, visualizaciones y meditaciones, Gaby te guiará para cambiar la forma en que sientes y experimentas la vida hacia tu forma ideal.

Oferta de lanzamiento por tiempo limitado

$12 por mes


Una sesión mensual en vivo de 60 minutos que incluye:

  • En ninguna parte nos enseñan a ser felices, a lograr lo que realmente deseamos, a comprender porqué sentimos lo que sentimos, a superar nuestros miedos, etc.

  • Gaby te presenta estos temas tan necesarios para conocerte más , superar obstáculos y ser verdaderamente feliz. Son temas para tu evolución y realizacion y para una vida más sana, feliz y satisfactoria con ejemplos de la vida real.

  • Una meditación guiada para tu sanación y expansión interior, amplificada con un baño de sonido con gongs, cuencos tibetanos, flauta nativa y campanillas.

  • Una práctica de Mindfulness como un nuevo hábito para sustituir los viejos patrones que no te hacen feliz por nuevas y maravillosas formas.

  • La calidad del video y el sonido es de alta definición, por lo que puede verlo en su televisor para que sea una experiencia inmersiva. Hora y día: 7 p. m. México y Chicago/hora central de EE. UU. los jueves. Una grabación está disponible para visualización ilimitada a lo largo del mes respectivo. Ver fechas aquí

Beneficios de las sesiones en vivo

  • Desintoxica tu cuerpo, limpia tus emociones, despeja tu mente y fortalece tu sistema inmunológico.

  • Comprendes e integrar mejores formas de vivir y abordar la vida a través de la mindfulness y psicología.

  • Cambias los programas negativos de tu inconsciente a través de meditaciones guiadas relajantes amplificadas por el sonido de gongs, cuencos tibetanos, flauta nativa y más

  • Armonizas tu conexión cuerpo-mente mientras te sumerges en un frecuencias únicas de sonido diseñado para relajarte y vigorizarte simultáneamente. Una desintoxicación sonora, traída a ti convenientemente en línea, en un entorno de su elección donde todo lo que tiene que hacer es cerrar los ojos y relajarse.


Benefits of the Guided Meditations:

  • those who feel stuck in their current practice, or those looking for meditations and practices specifically for conscious manifestation.

  • considering that the way you feel, and experience life happens 95% in your mind, namely the way you interpret, understand and process life and your approach to it.

  • an intimate relationship with your True Self, essential being or higher self, which is the consciousness and infinite love that you originally are, but because of all the various social education and training, you lose connection with at times. This disconnect with your essential inner flow disrupts your relationship with yourself, life and others. And you can notice it every time you experience a bad-feeling emotion..

  • for your unconscious mind to bring to you in that moment what needs to be seen or transformed for your highest good.

  • of these guided meditations are meant to reach your unconscious mind to generate new symbols or new programs which are bridges between your current experience in life, and the life you want to live: a life with calmness, clarity, peace, abundance, harmony in your relationships, improved health, self-esteem, self-love, forgiveness or freedom depending on the meditation you choose and practice.

  • a deep relaxation and cleansing that will wind you down. Washing away the day's buildup as Gaby's soothing voice guides you with harmonizing suggestions to install positive symbols in your unconscious mind as your new path towards high-frequency emotions of love, gratitude, contentment, and joy. This new path will become strong and permanent if you meditate every day for at least 8 weeks.

  • be generating new neuro-connections, emotions and frequencies that will create new patterns of well-being and balance in your life. Inner peace is a state of being that we can learn to feel and generate moment by moment or when needed. You are training your mind and body towards a new harmonious life by practicing this on a daily basis.

Guided Meditation for Inner Peace

What is a Sound Bath or Sound Healing ?

Within Gaby’s paradigm, a sound bath is a meditative and harmonious interplay of gongs, Himalayan singing bowls, native flute and chimes. The playing of these instruments produces powerful vibrations that help to shield out the outside world and induce a restful, meditative state. Think of it as a sonic detox, brought to you conveniently online, where all you have to do is close your eyes and relax.

Commonly and frequently referred to as a sound meditation, or sometimes also as a gong bath, it suggests that you are immersed in healing sound waves frequencies that will amplify the vibrational frequencies of each molecule that forms your complete being, which includes your physical aspect, the intellectual, emotional and essential..

Benefits of the Sound Bath

The multiple benefits of meditating with guided programs that can raise long-term positive effects on your life and those around you, include:

  • Acquiring skills to reduce and manage your stress

  • Expanding your creativity

  • Reducing and gaining control over negative emotions

  • Increasing and improving your level of tolerance and patience

  • Increasing awareness of self and the world around you

  • Developing a new perspective on situations that are stressful

  • Overcoming insomnia

  • To be more present in the moment as you are practicing to calm the mind and focus


How can I join?

  1. Easy, click the join button and register your account. Once done, on the main navigation you will see ‘Account’. Log in with your credentials and you are in. And while your membership is active, you can access the membership area at ‘Login’.

  2. If you can not make one of the scheduled times, no worries, a recording of it will be available shortly thereafter and remain available for viewing until the end of each month.

You will also receive three powerful tools for personal transformation:


1. Mindfulness for Your Online Course

2. Nature’s Wisdom - Visualizations

3. Bonuses - 3 Downloadable Meditations

  1. Mindfulness for You Online Course:

Learn how the mindfulness for you practices and tutorials will help you in overcoming stress and anxiety, creating a healthier, happier, and successful life in 6 Steps:

Gaby will guide you through powerful and effective meditations and practices designed to move you from your current manifestation into the complete manifestation of your being and dreams.

  • Identify and transform the most constant negative emotion that stops, blocks, or sabotages your life.

  • Discover the importance of nourishing each one of these four crucial aspects on a daily basis

  • so you know better how to make it your best ally instead of your worst enemy

  • which will assist you to avoid falling in codependent relationships, addictions, social dysfunction, unhappiness, illnesses, etc.

  • for you to experience a more coherent and harmonious life

  • learning a powerful tool used by champion athletes, successful businessmen and leaders in different fields ...the method of "Anchoring".

2. Nature’s Wisdom - Visualizations


Powerful visualizations and teaching videos designed to remind you how to perceive, feel and amplify the positive, life-giving qualities and characteristics of nature’s manifestations, as well as the healing energies residing within yourself.

These video reminders will help you to understand, that whether it be the mountain, sea, sky, seasons, or natural energy of life, humans are part of the same energy, manifested in different ways. So you can reconnect with those qualities that will amplify your sense of harmony, freedom, strength, peacefulness, spaciousness, renewal, wisdom and love.

3. Bonuses: 3 Powerful Video & downloadable Audio Guided Meditations

Gaby will guide you through, powerful, and effective meditations designed to move you from your current situation into the full manifestation of your bright being and dreams.

These meditations are suitable for all levels of practitioners, including those who have never meditated before, those who feel stuck in their current practice, or those looking for meditations and practices specifically for conscious manifestation.

1. Find the answers you are looking for by connecting with your heart and your higher self which is of infinite wisdom and love.

2. Create a New Life of Expansion and Abundance in Resonance with your Heart and Dreams. You will raise your frequencies and activate the manifestation of your goals and dreams.

3. Learn how to generate frequencies for Inner peace to overcome anxiety.